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Turntable Parts

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Roksan XPS 8 Speed Controller

Roksan XPS 8 Speed Controller

The XPS 8 is the entry level speed control for a Xerxes Turntable. It is compact and economical way ..

Linn Kandid Moving coil cartridge

Linn Kandid Moving coil cartridge

Linn Ekos SE tonearm is built with a carefully selected range of advanced materials that offer high ..

Linn Radikal (Machined) DC motor power supply - machined enclosure black

Linn Radikal (Machined) DC motor power supply - machined enclosure black

Machined from solid aluminium Our integrated sub-chassis, armboard and tonearm collar take your tur..

Denon Cartridge DL-103R

Denon Cartridge DL-103R

A world renowned, killer MC cartridge and an amazing value for the money! the Denon dl 103r is an up..

Roksan Cartridge Nut and Bolt Kit

Roksan Cartridge Nut and Bolt Kit

High quality nut and bolt kit for fitting and aligning Roksan cartridges...

Linn Kore Aluminium sub-chassis and machined armboard

Linn Kore Aluminium sub-chassis and machined armboard

Linn Radikal and Urika II Power Supply and Phono Stage Bundle..

Roksan Nima Unipivot Tonearm

Roksan Nima Unipivot Tonearm

The Roksan Nima has a brilliantly natural, cohesive sound and when used in conjunction with a qualit..

Linn Radikal (Machined) DC motor power supply - machined enclosure silver

Linn Radikal (Machined) DC motor power supply - machined enclosure silver

Linn Radikal (Machined) is the highest performance DC motor control and power supply available for S..

Denon Cartridge DL-103

Denon Cartridge DL-103

Denon designed and built the world's first stereo moving coil cartridge in 1951, and have been maste..

Linn Adikt Moving magnet cartridge

Linn Adikt Moving magnet cartridge

The Solid Base provides a fixed, rigid platform for your deck and comes as standard on our introduct..

Linn Lingo Separate power supply for AC motor

Linn Lingo Separate power supply for AC motor

Following the same design philosophy as our flagship Keel, the Kore sub-chassis and armboard is an e..

Roksan SARA Tonearm

Roksan SARA Tonearm

SARA is an audiophile standard tonearm that incorporates a range of design elements that combine to ..

Linn Radikal DC motor and power supply - Akurate enclosure black

Linn Radikal DC motor and power supply - Akurate enclosure black

Linn Radikal (Machined) is the highest performance DC motor control and power supply available for S..