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Maximum Control and Configurability. The C12000 Preamplifier is the next generation of our acclaimed..
Maximum Control and Configurability. The C12000 Preamplifier is the next generation of our acclaimed..
Following in a long line of revered McIntosh vacuum tube preamplifiers is the C2700 Tube Preamplifie..
McIntosh has been perfecting vacuum tube amplifiers since the 1940s and solid state amplifiers since..
The C8 Vacuum Tube Preamplifier has an open chassis industrial design similar to our popular MC275 V..
The MC1502 Vacuum Tube Amplifier is a stereo amplifier designed for home audio and home music system..
The MC2152 70th Anniversary Vacuum Tube Amplifier is a 150 Watt per channel stereo amplifier and fea..
Upon its initial release in 1961, the MC275 Vacuum Tube Amplifier became an instant favorite due to ..
Very high quality, outstanding performance.
There are no and cannot be any minuses.
The top of High End (a) in the audio system is the connection of acoustics by the BI-Adfing system. (Although there is also TRI-Figure) I must immediately say that the pleasure is not cheap. I have been using BI-Front (OM) for ten years and precisely according to the Mcintosh MC901 scheme, the lamp to the top and middle, a transistor to the bottom. Significantly improvement of the sound of the system. Of course, the Mcintosh MC901 is a monster and you can?t put it in a standard room, but who has their own house and free funds, then only to joy.
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