Within the supply’s low resonance case with isolating feet, there is a transformer that is 40% larger than that in the XPS with five secondary windings outputting seven regulated power supplies including a separate one for the CD555 clock circuitry. The 555 PS also has separate dedicated analogue and digital output sockets (Burndy) to minimise high-frequency noise modulation of the analogue supplies.
The 555 PS was updated in 2012 as a result of a two-year project to develop a new discrete regulator (DR) for Naim power supplies. The new Naim DR now features, alongside improvements to the wire routing, mechanical decoupling and internal layout.
These improvements, developed through intensive listening tests, significantly raise performance and make music even more communicative and enjoyable.
Every Naim product is conceived, designed and engineered entirely in service of the sound, revealing a pure experience of music that is as close as possible to its original live source.
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